Acceptable Use Policy Overview

The Acceptable Use Policy or AUP in a district governs how students and teachers can use digital devices, including the internet, for educational purposes. The AUP provides parents and administrators a level of expectations as devices and the internet are used for instruction. Parents sign the emergency cards for their students which states that they have read the Parent/Pupil Handbook. In the Parent/Pupil Handbook is the AUP for the district. To ensure students, parents, teachers, and administrators know what is expected from users of technology in the district all students will be given a 30-minute lesson on the Orange Unified School District AUP. Students will review the AUP in a grade appropriate lesson. There is an optional Pledge based on the district AUP that students can be asked to sign if the teacher believes that it is important. Once students have completed this lesson they should have an understanding of what Orange Unified School District is expecting from its students. Students will also understand the responsibilities of their district towards the students.

The following document is an excerpt from the OUSD Parent/Pupil Handbook. This is NOT the AUP that is signed by parents. The official AUP is located in the Parent/Pupil Handbook and is signed through the emergency cards that were sent home to OrangeUSD families. This is for reference purposes only.

Acceptable Use Policy

This is a link to the OrangeUSD Handbook. The AUP starts on page 44. A new book will be released every year in August. The page number may change.


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