Measure S: Villa Park High School

Measure S News

Measure S: Phase 2 VP Thank you to our community Construction and demolition of new buildings



Current Status: PHASE I Completed/Building Open



Design Development

Phase II Conceptual Design

May 9, 2019 Board of Education Meeting

PHASE II Design Development


Phase II Final Design

August 13, 2020 Board of Education Meeting

Villa Park Phase II- Final Design Presentation 


Phase I Final Design Development

January 18, 2018 Board of Education Meeting

PHASE I Design Development

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

CEQA Notice of Exemption 2018

CEQA Notice of Exemption 2022


Virtual Tour- Villa Park High School Science Center


Villa Park High School Campus Report 3/13/2013

Villa Park High School opened in 1964. The second oldest OUSD high school, it is now 49 years old.

Two buildings and 22 portables have been identified as needing major renovation or demolition.

It is projected that without facilities enhancements, an additional six buildings will need major renovation or demolition within 10 years.